How To Prevent Ticks On Our Pets
Wherever you live in the UK, your pet could pick up ticks. These parasites live not only in rural areas but in urban parks and gardens too.
ReadParasites and Pests
ReadVisiting the Vets
Besides their owner, a good veterinarian is the most important human in a dog or cat’s life. It truly pays to take the time to find a qualified, friendly vet who is the perfect match for you and your furry friend. After all, this is a relationship that will last a lifetime! Your dog or […]
ReadTravel Sickness in Pets
Taking our pets out and about is one of the best things about doggy ownership. Taking your furry friend to the beach, out to the park, or even the groomers – our dogs are travelling more and more these days. But did you know they can struggle with motion sickness just like we can?
ReadDog Poo & YOU
If you own a dog, there are no way around it, you will have to deal with dog poo. But amazingly 40% of dog owners still aren’t taking responsibility for their pooch and cleaning up their poop. There are an estimated 9 million dogs kept as pets in the UK who produce 1000 tonnes of […]